Client: State Urban Development Agency, Chattisgarh, Raipur | Duration: February 2016 – June 2016 | Location: India

About: Raipur, with a population of 10,10,433 (as per the 2011 census), was selected as one of the cities for the Smart City Program in India. The assignment was to join a team appointed by the State Urban Development Authority to develop a revised Smart City Plan that would be accepted by the Government of India, following the norms and procedures outlined by the Ministry of Urban Development. The Smart City Plan was prepared to address the Area Based Schemes and the City-Wide Program. The multi-disciplinary team assembled by SUDA prepared the entire smart city plan and the plan was reviewed and accepted based on the entire participatory process and project design work undertaken by the team.

Specific tasks included:

  • The GIS-based survey, mapping, and analysis of the existing situation of the City

  • Develop the Green Urban Development focus, bringing water resource management, infrastructure planning, and open space/ recreational planning

  • Develop in detail for the Area Based Programs with project-specific action being identified and proposed in this Smart City Plan

  • Develop the “GreenStreet” character linking open spaces and water bodies as part of the effort to make Raipur a more attractive, environmentally friendly, and liveable city.