What exactly is a Smart City?

Smart cities are urban areas considered “connected” and utilizes modern technology to manage the city resources and ultimately improving the lives of its citizens. Thru internet of things, “sensors” are placed to collect useful data such as foot traffic, open parking slots, water and electric consumption, air quality, waste collections, crime prevention and so on to understand how to manage the city properly.

There are many initiatives that fall under smart cities initiatives and many cities from developed nations have started their path to becoming smart cities as early as 10 to 15 years ago. However, even cities form developing nations are starting to acknowledge the importance of becoming a smart city in the age of Industry 4.0. We researched and browsed thru some list, and mapped them out. These are the current smart cities of the world: Link

Smart City Initiatives Series

Our Smart Cities Initiatives are supported by our solution arms in their respective fields. Our Smart City Services cover all of them through our Smart City Initiatives Series. Through this effort, we hope to list down all key sectors that provide insights on what the initiative is all about and what are the benefits it brings to the cities. Key sectors in our list are Governance Support, Tourism, City Services, Transport, Energy and Healthcare sectors.


Meet Our Smart Cities Experts

We are a dynamic, internationally diverse group of people with professional experience that is drawn from across the world with a passion for solving multi-sector challenges brought upon by the modernizing world. We help cities realize their potential by working closely with city managers and providing sound strategies and approaches to help expedite their track towards becoming a sustainable smart city. We as a team share a passion towards emerging technologies, and thru our technology partners and network, deliver modern solutions that will benefit cities and their stakeholders.

Get to know our team below.

Kapil Chaudhery

Smart Cities Solutions Expert / Urban Planning and Climate Resilience / GIS

Charlemagne Losaria

Smart Cities Solutions Expert / GIS Solutions

Harshit Runiwal

Smart Cities Solutions Expert / Urban Planning and Climate Resilience

Tu Luong

Business Development / Relationship Manager / Smart Solutions Expert