About: The Government of Madhya Pradesh has initiated a new scheme “Shahari Sudhar Karyakram” for the implementation of reforms in ULBs of the State. To enhance Property Tax, the State intends to Preparation of Property Tax Register based on GIS & Multi-Purpose Household Survey and their integration with e-Nagarpalika software with Technical Handholding Support for Property Tax Reforms in 119 Urban Local Bodies of the state.
This assignment focuses on (i) the preparation of a GIS base map which shall contain the key physical features including properties based on the latest technology such as using high-resolution satellite data and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS), (ii) Multi-Purpose Household Survey which will provide complete coverage, within each city, of all properties/households, and of service levels within the slums, and (iii) Technical handholding support for next two year in updation of property tax demand collection registers of ULBs and their integration with e-Nagarpalika software. The survey comprises two components: – Revenue survey of all properties in ULBs (covering all Slums & Non-Slums)
Based on the above activities, the following results are to be achieved under the project;
Georeferenced base map showing properties and key physical features based on latest satellite data and GIS technology.
An integrated database of city-wide properties, revenue data, slum households, and slum infrastructure and service data.
The household and slum service-level surveys will provide baseline data that can be updated and accurate poverty and infrastructure/service data enabling identification of priority slums for investment.
Comprehensive and updated data on property tax, water connections, and on plot sanitation for all properties.
Verification/reconciliation of data collected with existing municipal manual and computerized (MIS) revenue and water tax records.
Data collation and creation of records.
ULBs capable of using the data and updating the Revenue data.
Final GIS base map showing coverage of all properties linked with the MPHS database (including basic customization)